Our main products are graphite powders.
See below other products we can offer too.

Graphite powder
Graphite of different grades, with different particle sizes for different areas of application, with carbon content up to 99% and more.

Graphene nanopowder
Graphene is the high-tech material. Made in Ukraine. The raw materials for manufacturing the graphene nanopowder are prepared by our company.

Carburization agents
Carburization agents (synonyms - carburizing agents / carburizers / recarburizers / modifiers). All you need to adjust quality and modify chemical composition of your products.

Coke and by-prodycts
Coke, Nut Coke, Breeze Coke, Coke Slurry, Coke Sludge, Coke Powder, Coke Dust.

Coal and by-products
Coal, Coal Dust, Coal Slurry, Coal Sludge, Coal Powder.

Carbon-containing material
For non-stick coatings in foundries, as pigment in building mixtures, as burnable additive of refractory products, for manufacturing of periclase-carbon refractories.

Iron powder
Iron powder for manufacturing of your different products and for different areas of apllications (e.g. abrasive material).